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Swiggy introduces ‘Paw-ternity’ policy for pet owners to support employees

National Pet Day: To celebrate the day of the bond between pets and their humans, Swiggy changed their existing policy involving parenthood to include pet parents. The company introduced a ‘Paw-ternity’ policy to “support employees on pet care and adoption”.
Girish Menon, Chief Human Resource Officer, Swiggy, announced in a press release that this new policy is designed to provide comprehensive support to employees who have pets, recognising and honouring their role in “caring for their beloved companions”.
“Building on our gender-neutral parental policy introduced in 2020, which provides substantial paid leave for primary and secondary caregivers, in addition to bonding leaves, and time off for adoption, surrogacy, miscarriage and IVF, we are now expanding our definition of parenthood to include pet parents as well. And that’s why, starting today, we’re announcing the Swiggy Paw-ternity Policy for all full-time employees,” Swiggy announced in the press release.
The employees will be eligible to receive benefits under three circumstances. The first is an additional paid day off when they get or adopt a new pet. Additionally, they may opt for the work-from-home option for a few days to “provide comfort and support to their new family member.”
The full-time employees can use their “casual or sick leave without hesitation to attend to the needs of their pets.” In case of the passing away of a pet, an employee can apply for a bereavement leave.
“We recognize the indispensable place pets hold in the lives of our employees and are dedicated to supporting them in every aspect of their journey with Swiggy’s pet care policy,” the company added.
